Saturday, January 25, 2020

Lack Of Hand Washing Contributes Infection Nursing Essay

Lack Of Hand Washing Contributes Infection Nursing Essay Aim of hand hygiene is to remove micro-organisms carried on the skin and any break in the skin can harbor bacteria and may be a cross infection risk to patients. Correctly apply hand washing enough to remove the harmful pathogens from the skin. Hand washing is most importance and effective way of preventing and controlling cross infection from healthcare staff. Gould et al (2008) stated that most infection is delivered to patients directly via hands of health workers. Transmissions of pathogens via hand of health care workers increase the incident of nasocomial infections. Horton (1995) sees that hand washing is effective means to protecting patients from nosocomial infections. The healthcare professionals are aware of the need for hand washing and they do not wash their hand as often as they should. They must providers to ensure of safe and high standard of patients care within minimum risk of nosocomial infection in hospital. Every year 9% of patients admitted to hospital associated infections. Many patients treated in hospital develop infections after discharge, for example 50-70 % of surgical wound infections become apparent after discharge but these are not monitored NAO (2004). This paper will discuss about lack of hand hygiene is a common problem in my work setting. Healthcare professional have long been aware that washing hands cut infection rates and saves lives Baldry (1976).Despite this, Suchitra and Lakshmidevi (2007) believe that healthcare still fail to practice good hand washing to their patients. Nurses must aware to be a good role model for junior staff to practice an effective hand washing to prevent infection. It aims to enable community nursing and professional member to practice safely and effectively hand washing in the community. According to Suchitra and Lakshmidevi (2007) says that compliance with hand hygiene was highest among junior staff such as care assistants and lowest among doctors and nurses. Larson E, Killien M (1982) believes that lack of awareness among personnel about hand washing, organization and personal attitudes and various logistical barriers are the factors and reason for poor hand hygiene practices among professional health. Knowledge is one factors contribute of infection. Barriers to good hand hygiene include poor knowledge of infection control, time pressures, poor technique, inadequate facilities, and inappropriate clothing and hand adornments. (NAO 2004: Department of Health (DH) 2005). Professional healthcare staff must have a good knowledge hand washing follow by standard precaution to prevent infection. It can decrease infection via hand to hand among them. Gould et al (2008) thinks that infections in healthcare setting are spread by direct contact (cross infection) of health workers. Professional healthcare should give health teaching to patients about the important of hand washing in preventing infection. Hand washing frequency increases following education, the rate soon returns to the previous level Williams and Buckles (1998). As professional healthcare workers knowledgeable of hand washing is important to prevent infection but sometime they are incomplete knowledge about this issue. According to Searle (1987) says that knowledge among the trained nurse is incomplete about universal precautions. Professional healthcare workers knowledge will have impact on the standards of infection control and quality of health education. The correct skill and technique of hand washing are important to prevent infection among the patients. Griffiths (2002) says that the area most often missed in practice hand washing is the back of thumbs, the nails and between the fingers. Therefore hand washing is an effective means of controlling infection, sometime healthcare member forgotten to practice the correct way. Health professionals do not always practice effective technique (Larson and Killien, 1992).Effective technique of hand washing can prevent spread of pathogens from patients to another member or staff who may subsequently pass the bacterium on to other patients and decrease hospitalization mortality. According to Eaton (2005) hand washing is actually importance in controlling MRSA among the patients. From one study of compliance with hand washing (Girou and Oppein, 2001) state that 50% of healthcare workers did not wash their hands after the procedure. Hand drying after washing is very important to prevent infection because wet surfaces transfer microorganisms thrive in a damp environment. Griffiths (2002) says that drying hand with paper towels are effective technique to prevent infection because the friction helps to remove transient organisms from the surface of the skin. Merchant (2001) options that using disposable paper to drying hand are more effective technique and quicker (7-9 seconds) compared using hand dryer (25 seconds). When hand washing facilities are poor, it contributes to infection. Clinical hand wash sink are required in all areas where clinical activities are performed. Convenient placement of sinks and adequate provision of soap and soft paper towels will encourage frequent and appropriate hand washing Kesavan et al (1998).Provision of adequate and appropriate facilities could be improved hand washing compliance. According to Harris et al (2000) stated that hindering factors of good hand washing are lack of time, poor facilities and materials. The Infection Control Nurses Association (1998) mentions that commitments by managers to improve resources are important to prevent poor hand hygiene among healthcare and patients. The value of easy access to hand hygiene supplies, whether sink, alcohol handrub or soap, is self explanatory. Busy healthcare workers to walk away from patients bed to reach a wash basin or hand antiseptic agents invites noncompliance with hand hygiene recommendations (Pittet and Mourouga 1999). Community of nurses find that facilities in hospital are not suitable for prevent hand decontamination. Larson and Killen (1992) believe that when resources are not available, there will cause of poor hand washing. Therefore if facilities are very poor it is possible to decontaminate the hands thoroughly to infection. Hands may be cleansed with soap, water and with antiseptics such as chlorhexidine , povidone iodine, triclosan or alcohol which typically contain 60-90% ethanol or isopropanol and it is most important means of preventing spread of infection. Liquid soap will remove many of the transient microorganisms. Kerr (1998) mentions that liquid soap is preferable to bar soap in clinical area as it avoids the contamination problems. ICNA (1998) also says that hand washing with liquid soap is adequate for most routine procedures and the handling of used equipment is easily removed by washing for 10-15 seconds. There for using liquid soap also avoids some contamination problem. Reybrouck (1986) believes that it is acknowledged that the dispenser of liquid soap may keep lead from contamination. However Heenan (1992) options that harsh soap challenges is more practice and recognized by healthcare professional. Alcohol will kills bacteria more effectively than most other products because it preparations have a rapid action. According to Lee and Bishop (1997) mentions that alcohol is an effective agent to avoid the microorganism by dissolving lipids in the cell wall. However Voss and Widmer (1997) believe that using alcohol is a widely advocated where the hands avoid from soiled. Alcohol handrub also will save time if the handrub is widely available at each bed space. 17.4% reduction in the incidence of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea and a consistent reduction in the proportion of hospital-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) by the introduction of Spirigel, which is an alcohol-based gel (Gopal Rao et al 2002). Alcohol with added emollients are less irritating than antiseptic agents and efficacious as detergents. Larson (1999) mentions that emollients may protect against cross infection by keeping the resident skin flora intact and hand lotion to protect ski n irritating. Alcohol also as an antiseptic agents and prevent the spread of infection in healthcare setting. Kjolen and Anderson (1992) opinion that alcohol are now available an antiseptic agents such as triclosan and chlorhexidine to destroy microorganism. However I not agree with this stamen because alcohol rub can spore forming pathogen and are not suitable for use in all situations. Therefore soaps are still using as a washing agent in clinical area. A study undertaken in Sweden by Meding and Jarvhol (2002) states that rate of skin irritation among the general public is 9.7-11.8% lower than among healthcare professional workers. Percentage of healthcare workers with skin irritation could be much higher than that of the general public reaching a prevalence rate of 17-30% (Smit et al 1993). Antiseptic agent may be better than traditional hand washing to decrease infection rate. Heenan (1996) suggest that antiseptic agent more invasive procedures, contamination with body fluids and dealing with infectious patients. Antiseptic agent is concerned, triclosan, chlorhexidine and alcohol commonly discussed products. According to McLure and Gordon (1992) povidone iodine has a wider spectrum of activity than chlorhexidine. However Kampf et al (1998) believes that 70% chlorhexidine more effective agent against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).Therefore these products are ideal and can save the time. Heenan (1996) mentions that antiseptic agent can save time as an alternative to hand washing in busy treatment area. Personal hygiene especially fingernails are important in hand washing to preventing infection. Horton and Parker (2002) mention that daily bathing, keeping nails short, tying hair and not wearing jewellery, with hand washing is a important aspect to avoid infection. The space below long fingernails operates as a reservoir for bacteria. It will increase the risk of cross infection among healthcare member to the patients. Artificial nails and nail art should be avoided because they increase the number of bacteria present, increasing risk of cross infection Jeanes and Green (2001). Short fingernails prevent from infection and scratching the patients skin, which is easily to be fragile among elderly people. Larson et al (1998) mention that when it becomes sore and chapped on the skin, it available to contribute to cross infection. Poor hand hygiene can spread of MRSA and increase the mortality in hospital. Newsom (1993) noticed that the rate of mortality from puerperal fever was 11.5% wh en delivery had been perform by doctors in obstetrician in Vienna Lying. These sometime antiseptic agents have a propensity towards to skin irritation and allergic effects. Ayliffe et al (1988) mentions that iodine and alcohol has little or no residual effect after used. According to Larson (1995) says that triclosan has relatively low skin irritation and Babb et al (1991) believe that triclosan and iodine was little effects used. Alcohol based hand rub also will damage the skin such as burning sensation. Boyce (2000) agree that damage skin are stimulated by the alcohol and cause irritation to the epidermal. The effects of hand hygiene product can cause problem to the skin. Gould et al (2000); Larson (2001); Boyce (2001) mention that frequently of hand washing among healthcare staff are frequently problem due to sore and dry hands. Hand washing is clearly seen as the responsibility of the individual healthcare workers and patients of preventing infection. Staff attitude are the factors to contribute lack of hand hygiene in hospital. In order to change attitude, healthcare works must be motivated. Achieved a change in attitude by providing interventions to reinforce hand washing (Williams and Buckles 1988). According to Zimakoff et al (1992) studied the factors that affect hand hygiene behavior in healthcare works in 15 hospitals in Denmark and Norway. Safe practice will occur when staffs are well informed and positive attitude toward to prevent infection. Kretzer (1998) opinion that various psychosocial parameters hand hygiene behavior include attitude, social, habits, role model, knowledge and motivation. Healthcare works must take precautions to protect ourselves and patients from infection. However I believe a bad attitude is cause of poor hand hygiene among healthcare staff. The Infection Control Nurses Association (ICNA 1998) mentions that hand washing policies has published but nurses do not adhere the hand washing protocols effectively. Time also one of the factors to contribute infection. Ayliffe (1978) mentions that student nurses takes between 1 minute and 1.5 minutes to walk 5 yards to a sink, adjust the water, wet the hand, obtain some liquid soap and complete hand washing technique as devised. This hand cleansing technique was carried out more than 10 minutes or around 15% of the shift in activities concerned with hand washing. Weeks (1999) say that 15 % extra staffing would be required to encompass these extra hand washing duties. While Pittet and Beyce (2001) believe that if alcohol hand rub was used, it only takes 20 seconds for hand hygiene and it would reduced considerably. Time of hand washing also depending on policy is managed. Staff should be cleansed before and after every patient contact with no exception, as outlined in the evident-based practice project (EPIC) Pratt et al (2001). Wet surfaces can transfer microorganism more effectively than dry ones and bacteria remaining after washing will be removed by the added friction. Marples and Towers (1979) believe that wet surfaces previously transfer microorganisms more effectively than dry environment. Drying is important to reduce infection and risk of sore. Ansari et al (1991) says that hand drying is importance in removing and avoids transfer microorganism effectively. Towels should be dried well each time and changed regularly after used to prevent infection. According to Horton (1995) cloth towel become damp and contaminated are potential to be a significant source of infection. Drying hand with paper towels also advocated away transient microorganism. Ansari et al (1991) says those disposable paper towels are more effectively than cloth towel to prevent infection and reducing contamination. Drying with paper towels is quicker and more thorough: 7-9 seconds compared to 25.4 seconds with dryers.Now hot air dryers have been installed in public premises such as restaurants and shopping complex. Unfortunately there may in fact contribute to the dissemination of infection. The circuits and nozzles of dryers can become heavily contaminated and could decontaminated hand by recirculation bacteria laden air currents (Redway et al, 1991). Education and training for healthcare workers in hand washing are important for preventing infection among them and patients. Elliott (1996) believes that education and training adequate about hand washing is importance in promoting safe practice for professional healthcare workers. Health education and training hand washing should be reinforced at each healthcare staff and patients. This will improve training in hand washing and education of infection factors. However House of Lords (2003) have reported that healthcare do not receive comprehensive pre-registration education in infection control. Hospital need to develop education to healthcare works as strategies to improve hand hygiene among them. Health education for all staff about hand washing technique are recommended, however Naikoba and Hayward (2001) opinion that one off educational interventions have a limited effect. Bischoff et al (2000) Education and feedback intervention and patient awareness programmes, failure to improve hand washing compliance (Bischoff et al 2000). Knowledgeable are important among healthcare professional of preventing infection. Goulds (1995) mention that nurses theoretical and knowledge of universal precautions is useful to prevent infection and ability to assimilate theoretical knowledge into practice. Knowledgeable followed by standard precaution can give a best treatment to the patients, therefore it can decrease infection problem. The nurse with limited background knowledge will lack the tools needed from experience and the scope of practice will be limited by background the nurse brings to the clinical situation (Benner 1984). Guidelines and policies should clear to describe hand washing activities. Gould (2002) says that a general rules was recommended for healthcare workers to breaking the chain of infection. New protocol and guidelines may lead to clearer definitions of terms being developed. Educating healthcare works on protocol and guidelines may be equally and beneficial in encouraging to them. Infection control nurses or their link nurses could undertake this teaching at ward level as this is viewed as the best place to teach good clinical practice (Gould 1996). However, this could be lacking and vague in evidence based guidelines and a clear documented standard principle are needed. Pratt et al (2000) mentions that The Epic Projects was designed to develop guidelines and standard principles for preventing Healthcare associated infection (HAIs).Therefore, failure technique of hand washing among the healthcare workers cause of failure of guidelines. According to Parker (1999) states that failure in education and training can cause of failure of hand hygiene. Hoffman and Wilson (1994) also believe that evidence based guidelines of hand washing technique is less clear, however brief hand wash followed by rinsing and drying is recognized to remove some transient skin flora. Health teaching and scientific information about hand washing is important to prevent infection among healthcare staff and public. Health education about hand hygiene should offering from early school among the student to practice the correct technique. Institute of Child Health (UCL 2009) says that parents and children should been know the important of hand hygiene to prevent infection. It is not just knowledge to them but as a responsibility for their own action. Information and health teaching among patients and visitor about hand washing is a nurses responsibility. According to Charalambous (1995) says that nurses should disseminate information and possess good teaching skills include demonstration of appropriate hand washing. From the literature it is clear that poor hand cleansing by healthcare workers increase the risk of infection. Most infections in hospitals and other settings where health and social care are delivered are transmitted to patients directly via the hand of health workers (Gould et al 2008).Evidence indicates that many factors to contribute infection among healthcare staff. Confidential Enquire into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy CESDI (1999) study that around 5% of the death analyses cause of infection. Factors influence to infection such as lack of knowledge, lack of attitude, lack of facilities, lack of technique and lack of times. An intervention to promote hand washing plays an important role in the prevention of infection in hospitals. Conclusion In healthcare setting, frequently hand washing among healthcare staff can prevent infection spreading from patient to patient and from patient to healthcare staff. The primary goal of Infection Control is to educate all staff to practice good infection prevention technique to protect patients from spreading infection. Guidelines and protocols should therefore be clear to encourage universal compliance to best practice. To improve patient safety and reduce costs, good hand washing should become the highest priorities in healthcare institutions.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Advertising and Promotion Essay

After first reading the entire exam, thoroughly answer each essay question consistent with the Writing Across the Curriculum section below. Save your work in DOC, DOCX, or RTF format with your last name in the title. Upload your exam document to the course Dropbox no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. You must confirm successful upload. Late exam submissions will receive a grade of zero. Questions (25 points each): 1. As an outcome of the Module 1 Discussion, identify and describe what the class as a whole (a) found to be the top four communication management problems commonly associated with advertising and promotion, and (b) found to be the top solutions to these communication management problems. Why is it important to apply the Saint Leo core value of community when working with your peers (both in the classroom and in the work environment)? Give an example of how the core value was applied in the discussion. 2. Outline and explain the key outcomes of the research represented in the assigned mobile advertising article. 3. Compare (cite and explain relevant similarities) and contrast (cite and explain relevant pointed differences) the services offered by the following advertising agencies: Strawberry Frog, DDB Worldwide, and Exile on 7th. 4. Compare (cite and explain relevant similarities) and contrast (cite and explain pointed differences) TV and radio as advertising media. 5. Compare and contrast the value of newspapers and magazines as advertising media given the current external marketing environment (economic, legal, social, cultural, etc. ). 6. Identify and explain the chief challenges confronting mobile advertising. Writing Across the Curriculum: Please be reminded that all written assignments in this course (including examinations) require formal writing, i. e. , standard business English as employed in the typical executive management suite. Given the importance of proper business communication by masters of business administration, examination submissions exhibiting errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and executive business style will be grade penalized. References regarding grammar usage and style recommended by the School of Business are: Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style and Shertzer’s The Elements of Grammar. Saint Leo University administration and Board of Trustees promise the public that we are following Benedictine values, not the least of which are excellence and integrity. Please acquit yourself in this course consistent with these values. Grades will necessarily suffer if one does not behave in accordance with these values. It deserves repeating: plagiarism of any kind, intentional or unintentional, is treated with great concern at Saint Leo University. Plagiarism must be reported to the executive administration. A hearing will then be scheduled to advance the investigation into charges of plagiarism. It is better to be excessive in citing sources throughout the body of a paper than to risk the charge of plagiarism. A â€Å"Reference† section must conclude all written work in which sources require citing. Shintaro, O. , & Barwise, P. (2011). Has the Time Finally Come for the Medium of the Future? Journal Of Advertising Research, 515 9-71. Advertising and Promotion Essay Introduction: Advertising and promotion are part of marketing which are very important. Without advertising and promotion the company cannot communicate the message of their product to the target customers. Through advertising the organisations use mass media to communicate the message to a large group of people. This can also be said as above the line promotion. Below the line promotion includes when the organisation is directly involved such as direct mailing and telecommunication. The assignment has been done on extensive research work to find out the various strategies used by organisation for advertising and promotion. The advantages and disadvantages, the competitive edge, etc. Requirement 1: 1.1 Advertising as we know is when there is the usage of paid announcement through media specially to bring in to attention of the people the knowledge of some product or service. Any medium that can take a message from an association to a potential purchaser can be utilized for promoting. Obviously, the most well known media are TV, print (daily paper, magazines, and so on.), radio, and the Internet. TV is well known in view of its vast range, however it is additionally exorbitant. The 2012 Super Bowl was viewed by in excess of 111 million individuals, and organizations that needed a 30-second business amid that game paid a normal of $3.5 million. The communication process involves the following: Source – A source is likewise alluded to as an sender. The sender has a message to pass on to others. The sender can be anybody from a brand specialist (in a significant company, for example, Nike or Budweiser) to a businessperson in a more diminutive association. Now and again, famous people are utilized to underwrite items and go about as an issue for the item. It is constantly vital to verify that the source is solid and reliable. An immediate source can be a sales representative conveying a message around an item. A indirect source utilizes a well known open figure to attract thoughtfulness regarding an item. Encode – The source encodes or makes an interpretation of thoughts into a message. Case in point, a brand director chooses to promote another item. Message – After characterizing the target advertise, the advertiser outlines a viable message that will accomplish the communication objectives. Recipient – The beneficiary is the individual or gathering with whom the sender endeavours to impart thoughts. Advertisers need a reaction, the responses of the recipient, in the wake of being presented to the message: for instance, a customer getting the message about the new item. Translate – The recipient deciphers or translates the message. For a message to be decoded by a beneficiary the way it was expected by the sender, the sender and receiver need to have regular encounters. As such, a recipient may not interpret a message the way it was proposed to on the off chance that her background and experience vary significantly from the sender’s. A marketer has to be sensitive to the intended audience. Noise – Noise meddles with or upsets compelling correspondence. This can incorporate a poor TV or radio signal. Feedback – Feedback is checking and assessing how precisely the expected message is consistently gotten. This is possible by directing statistical surveying. Basically, this includes inquiring as to whether they have seen the message, on the off chance that they review the message, and what their attitude was towards the product. There are various channels that companies uses in order to communicate their goods or services to customers in the market. BMW for instance uses BMW website, magazine, newspaper, trade shows, billboard, etc. (, 2013) 1.2 Promotion is a part of the marketing business. Basically, if marketing can be considered as the methodology of bringing an item or service to the consideration of purchasers, marketing is the selection of methodologies to keep the product or service in the personalities of buyers and stimulate  continued demand for it. In marketing sales, distribution and target market are closely linked with promotion and advertising. There are a few potential roads of actions that the marketing group can use. Advertising may emphasize in one or more media stations, including TV, film theaters, print media, for example, daily papers and magazines, and online entries. Organizations might likewise distribute posters, announcements and pamphlets to promote their items. An product or service is liable to have one sort of notice for its dispatch, and may have diverse adverts that constitute the ongoing promotion campaign. These later adverts may specify grants that the product or service has won, or confirmation of past sales success It is the centralized system that runs the organization of advertisement and promotion. There are different level of hierarchy who work together to make this industry successful. The organization includes advertising and marketing managers, directors, sales agents, staff from finance department, etc. The media works very closely with the advertising and promoting. There are agencies that are in charge of the production of these advertisements and their distribution. There are also collateral service providers. For instance for BMW there are artists, painters, photographers, directors, who support the advertising. (Kotlar et al., 2005) 1.1 Assess how promotion is regulated (P1.3) The regulation of activities of promotion relies on the risks and likely effect of marketing. In some cases the company may withdraw their promotional campaign as because it may have potential risk, instead of doing good, it could bring about more catastrophic events (Bagwell, 2007). Formal authorization activities are likewise instrument for managing promotions. Analytical work is carried out to recognize if there is a marketing issue being overlooked. They may concentrate in deceptive message, error of message, adequacy of pages and profit on promotional investments. On reading the case study of BMW it is seen that they changed and strengthened their promotional approach in 2005 after a research study on extravagance auto purchasers. The promotional activity transformed its regulatory directions  to assemble new brand picture. In the wake of finding that their message is not being accurately seen by purchasers BMW strengthened and enlisted another notice org in May, 2006. Who supplanted the organization’s overemphasis on ‘performance driving’ in the course of recent years with the idea â€Å"organization of thoughts† Thus regulatory tools are connected to control the stream and impact of promotional activities. . 1.4 The universe of promoting and advertising is changing and the patterns of the business are extending, adjusting and developing as customers change. The key is to staying on top of things and using an alternate level of considering products, groups, organizations and promoting channels accessible. Mobile Marketing :Yes, this trendy expression was thrown around a considerable measure in recent years yet it’s at last turning into a need, being put into improvement and being advanced. Publicizing on cell phones is going to increment exponentially not long from now as cell phones keep on becoming a top technique for correspondence between buyers. Regardless of what industry, the measure of the business or different components, mobile advertising specialists will be looked for after more than ever. Interactive Banner Ads : Individuals hear the expression, â€Å"banner advertisements† and flinch. They are a bad dream for buyers and advertisers. Customers scorn that they take up the page and advertisers can’t get individuals to click on them. Be that as it may, what everybody knows is that they are an extraordinary source of product placement – right in the middle of your target market’s website.. What we’re starting to see is that advertisers are making banner of things their intended focus group needs to see and needs to recall. Basically, organizations are making their advertisements the feature story. As opposed to controlling buyers to their sites, they utilize interactive marketing segments to make these promotions shareable by means of social media. Local Advertising : Local advertising, in short, portrays promoting that purchasers aren’t altogether mindful that they are generally presented to on the grounds that it is flawlessly incorporated into how individuals use specific mediums. tricky for advertisers to attempt to evaluate how to discretely make their advertisements would appear to be a piece of the substance on the page the client is survey, yet imaginative promoting has truly taken off in this business sector and its fame is expanding exponentially among the promoting and advertising industry. Brands Look beyond Fans and Likes: This point is about understanding the motivation behind diverse social networking outlets, discovering which ones suits their target group best and realizing what purchasers use it for. At last, organizations understand that piece of the overall industry can’t be measured by the quantity of preferences on a Face book page or supporters of whatever other social media. Organizations are using collaboration, correspondence and content sharing. (Infinitee, 2013) Requirement 2: 2.1 We all know that marketing is a broad subject; advertisement is just another element of it. We have discussed before that advertising is closely connected with media. There are different types of advertisement which severe different types of purpose in the process of communicating message via media to potential target markets. Marketing being broad has various tools apart from advertising such as public relations, direct marketing, digital marketing, promotion, etc. The various forms of media which are used for the purpose of advertisement are T.V, radio, newspapers, magazines, internet, SMS, etc. In order to pass on the brand message it is very important to choose the appropriate media. When the intention is to reach out to large group of people it is perfect to use advertising. Role of marketing can be interpreted as use of appropriate strategy is vital for marketing mangers to get the right message to the right customers using tools such as promotions, product price and distribution. In order to  determine the most productive and effective communicational vehicle, it is necessary to understand the importance of the promotional strategy. In order for advertising to be a effective tool for a promotional strategy, it is necessary to understand the characteristic of the potential customers and hence a series of steps needs to be carried out. Following are some: Segmentation: In order to make communication via advertising more effective it is essential to divide the customers in to different groups. If it is unknown to whom the message is intended to, it may not get any response at al. Once it is known who the advertisement message is intended for, there needs to be further drilling to know more. In this scenario the marketers go in for research and surveying, etc. Targeting: In order for advertisement to get the best response it is necessary to know that communication is being made to the right segment. Targeting plans should closely be related to marketing objectives. Other important steps include positioning and messaging. 2.2 Branding is more than simply a business trendy expression. It has turned into the ‘must’ of selling in the new economy. On the off chance that the old promoting mantra was,† Nothing happens until some individual sells something,† the new rationality could be† Nothing happens until someone brands something. â€Å"in its most straightforward structure, a brand is like a name. It is the name appended to an product or service. However it may be, brand is more related to the physical aspects of products or services: for example, color, image, status, quality, etc. It plays physiologically in the minds of the customers, gives them a perception of the product or service. In short, a brand offers the client a certification and then delivers on it. You might infer, then, that if you build a powerful brand, automatically it becomes possible to make strong marketing programs. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you can’t persuade customers that your product is deserving and worthy of purchasing, no other measures such as fancy packaging or public relations will help to achieve sales goal. Successful branding programs are characterized by good quality product and services accompanies by good customer service which boosts the functioning of the entire organization. 2.3 When it comes to creativity in advertising, it basically means what to say and how to say it. The message in the advertising is very important. Thus, what to say is the message that will be passed on to the potential clients. How to say it on the other hand is basically the appropriate format that is to be used for the message. There are many creative specialist who are hired in the organization who deals with the creative aspect of advertising. Most companies these days pass on the work of the creative aspect of the advertising to advertising agencies. These agencies either hire specialists or has their own team of specialists. There are various steps which are involved in the creative design process which is also used by BMW. Following are the steps: a) Decision regarding objective of advertisements. b) Gathering of necessary information customers, products and competitors. c) Production of brand new ideas by creative specialist. d) Approval of these ideas by the managers of marketing and advertising. e) Coming to decision regarding the content of the message, message format, layout, etc. f) Testing and final check before the launching of the advertisement. The message in the advertisement has to be appealing to the desired customers. Ad appeal can be of many different types. It usually depends on what kind of message is the marketers most are focusing on. For instance they may want to say how high quality the product is or how low priced it is, etc. (Mukesh and Ranju, 2011) 2.4 Projects initiate in one department and when their work is done, it is passed on to the next. Organizations these days intentionally hire advertising agencies in order for the advertising work to be more promising and strong. Four Tips to Working Successfully with Your Advertising Agency Once the agency of choice is selected by the business, it is necessary to know how you would expand that relationship. How would you function adequately with your organization group to guarantee your advertising project is the best it can be? Consider these four tips for an effective org  customer relationship. Set clear objectives. Plot what achievement â€Å"looks like† at each stage as your org creates your promoting arrangements. Without clear objectives, it is difficult to judge the adequacy of promotions, outlines, mottos, or any piece of your campaign. Make certain your office is mindful of what you would like to perform with your system and characterize a particular estimation of achievement, whether regarding new clients, call-backs or strict deals. Cover the budget bases. Nothing jeopardizes a positive vendor relationship like squabbles over cash. Work with your advertising agency to set a particular plan for each one piece of your promoting campaign and in addition a general plan for advertising your business. Likewise, audit individual assessments for particular plan and printing tasks, office promoting commissions and managerial expenses. Establish specific timelines. Make sure you and your group are mindful of the proposed timetable of dispatch for your advertising program and additionally transitional dates for improvement paving the way to dispatch. React immediately when your office needs data from you to execute components of your fight, and catch up rapidly with sealing and asked for amendments. (H. Montgomery, 2011) Requirement 3: 3.1 Any techniques which are intended directly for the customers and are well within the control of the customers can be called as below the line promotions. Below the line promotion includes techniques which are creative and interesting meant for the targeted customers. BMW has used various below the line promotions to gain many customers. a) Public relations: This  involves various public activities. In order to get the attention of political parties’ worldwide and general public, BMW has created and donated to many charities. Activities as such has given them wide recognition, which is apart from the recognition they get from quality cars which they produce. b) Direct marketing: This is a form of marketing where the customers are reached out directly through flyers, leaflets. BMW does take part in this kind of direct marketing but not to a large extent. They usually do this when they represent them self in trade fairs and exhibitions. c) Internet: Internet as it does not need much introduction has become widely popular in the last decade. Internet is used to mainly use to reach out to various target groups. BMW has cars which vary in class, sizes, color and prices. Different customers have different preference. Internet is used as a medium of promotion to reach these messages to different target groups. It is also a medium to get feedback from clients. d) Events: Events include exhibitions and trade fairs. In these kind of events products are directly showcased, where the people can try the products or services and gain detailed knowledge about it. This is method of providing immediate good perception of the product or service in the mind of potential customers. e) Promotional campaigns: Companies includes certain number of individuals who widely participate in promoting the company. They usually design and execute campaigns. (, 2013) 3.2 Following are other techniques which can be used as below the line promotional techniques: Door to-Door Marketing Door to door promoting takes selling to an personal level, and this is a standout amongst the most well-known manifestations of below the line promotion. This procedure obliges profoundly prepared sales staff that knows how to construct customer relationship and can walk that barely recognizable difference of being tenacious without being irritating. Most door to door promoting campaigns allows the person doing it some commission on the sales, so forthright expenses can be kept low and salesmen have more motivation to make sales. Most common door to door promoting is in the case of insurance companies. Exterior Location Marketing Exterior location marketing includes driving enthusiasm to an event or sale through the key utilization of employees set outside the area. Ordinarily, these systems incorporate sandwich-board style promotions or actually sprucing up the employee in an outfit to attract more attention on the location. These workers may remain nearby the street, getting the consideration of passing drivers. While this system is not frequently utilized, it can be helpful for small organizations, restaurants and car dealers. Thus, dealers dealing with BMW cars can be provided with incentives to do such activities to increase their sales. Email Marketing Email marketing can likewise be a manifestation of below the line promoting if your organization directs the campaign all alone. You are speaking specifically with the buyer through this manifestation of promoting and can steer them to a point of arrival where they can take in more about what you are putting forth. This thus provides for you the capacity to measure campaign effectiveness. Email promoting is for the most part economical, and results can be great if the email rundown is focused on fresh and follows double opt-in guidelines Double opt-in refers to the process where consumers have to confirm their subscription to an email list before emails can be sent to them. (K. McFerlin, 2014) Requirement 4: 4.1 Surviving in the market is not easy for the company. For companies to be prosperous they have to continue to attract and serve targeted customers within their budget. Hence budget for promotional strategy is very important. Following are some of the steps involved in the process of formulation of appropriate budget for promotional strategy: a) Observing market climate: Market can be unpredictable at time. Trends move in and out very quickly. Company’s market department has their eyes like eagles on the  market. They are always on the look for the that little gap which they can fill in. They are always looking for windows of opportunity. Not observing the market climate can leave them way behind, furthermore not having a appropriate budget estimation. b) Evaluating brand weakness and strength: This is important as because no brand is perfect. Even sometimes when a brand is created by the best of marketing managers, it may not be accepted well by the public or targeted groups. Hence, not keeping anything set in mind, marketers are always looking to find those weaknesses which they can improve on. c) Creating competitive marketing strategy: What sets your product, service and organization separated from your competitors? What quality do you give and how is it not quite the same as the plan B? Competitive strategies is about characterizing how you’ll â€Å"separate† your offering and make esteem for your business sector. It’s about cutting out a spot in the competitive scene, putting your stake in the ground, and winning mindshare in the commercial marketplace – being known for a certain â€Å"something† d) Up to date plans: As the name suggests, plans are necessary to be on time rather than behind time for the estimation of appropriate budget. e) Getting feedback: One of the most important thing as without feedback companies cannot know where they stand. (, 2014) 4.2 An promotion plan diagrams the limited time instruments or strategies you want to use to achieve your promoting goals. To the new or unpractised advertiser, the promotion plan may be mixed up as the whole promoting arrangement on the grounds that it plots where most of the advertising plan will be used. It is, nonetheless, only one part of the advertising plan – there are extra procedure and arranging segments portrayed in a marketing plan. You may decide to incorporate the accompanying components in your promotion plan: The significant segment to your Promotion Plan is the portrayal (or posting) of the planned promotional tactics you plan to use. Anticipated expenses for the year. Estimate your expenses as precisely as could be expected under the circumstances. Demonstrate the Relationship between the Promotional Tactics and Marketing Objectives Show the Relationship between the Promotional Tactics and Marketing Objectives Refer to or list again relevant objectives from the Marketing Objectives section of your marketing plan and point out how you will accomplish them using the promotion plan (Smallbusinessnotes, n.d) And appropriate promotional plan for BMQ product would incorporate the following: a) Define specific objective b) Distribution plan and targeted customers. c) Creating a theme to make it unique. d) Creating a supporting message with the product. e) Most important of all hiring a professional promotional consultant. 4.3 The integration of promotional techniques such as price incentives for a business or product must focus on the needs of the market, the condition and elasticity of demand, need for price incentives, and consumer responses towards price incentives (Dimitropoulos, 2012). A luxurious product such as BMW may use promotional technique of focusing on research and development for innovating new product features. Setting high prices also positions the product and represents it as a status symbol in consumer’s mind. Thus the integration of promotional techniques such as setting high price, branded entertainment, high performance, exclusivity eventually formulates an overall promotional strategy. However if not communicated properly or if the techniques are conflicting the brand message will be misinterpreted by consumers. Overemphasizing or underemphasizing features or overlooking the actual consumer needs should be avoided (Terence, 2010) An appropriate plan for the integration of promotional techniques for BMW  has the following steps to be incorporated: a) Assess the marketing communication opportunities for BMW. For example understanding the needs of the target market b) Determining the mode of communication that is going to be used for BMW. Example using intermediaries or selling products directly in BMW show room. c) Determine promotion mix. Gathering resources for sales promotion, adverting and publicity. d) Developing promotional budget. Gathering financial resource to afford the plan. e) Determining campaign effectiveness. Using various tools, like project appraisal techniques, analysis of the situation, etc to understand the viability. 4.4 Promotion is not a definite science. There’s no exact approach to measure the achievement of a promotion campaigns. You can’t, for instance, decide what number of sales cash are created by each one promoting cost used. However there are strategies that will provide for you a harsh thought of whether your promotions are hitting the imprint. Verify you have clear promoting goals. You may need to help business generally, however your destination ought to be more particular: to increase sales of a new product or service, to assemble attention to your organization, to increase volume amid a certain time period, or to stretch your business in a specific market. To evaluate the viability of your promoting campaign, you can monitor sales, new clients, demands for information, telephone request, retail location activity, site movement, or navigate rates. Utilize these strategies to gauge the force of the promotion campaign A straightforward approach to tell if your campaign is working is to track retail activity by tallying the individuals who enter your store. Bear in mind to monitor activity before you begin the promotion campaign, so you’ll have a premise for correlation. What’s more ask new clients how they came to know about the business. (Smallbusinessnotes,n.d) References: a) Kotler, Veronica, Saunders (2005). Principles of Marketing:. 4th ed. London: Prentice hall. 34-56. b) elearnportal. (2013). Marketing Communications Process. Available: Last accessed 25/11/14. c) Infinitee. (2013). 5 Advertising and Marketing Trends for 2013.Available: Last accessed 25/11/14. d) Mukesh and Ranju (2011). Advertising and sales management. New Delhi: V. K Enterprise. 55-67. e) H. Montgomery. (2009). Tips for Working Effectively with an Advertising Agency. Available: Last accessed 25/11/14. f) Business case studies. (2013). Using promotion to campaign for public services. Available: n.html#axzz3K7hwVrCA. Last accessed 25/11/14. g) K. McFerlin. (2014). Examples of Below-the-Line Advertising. Available: Last accessed 26/11/14. h) MarketingMO. (2014). Competitive Positioning. Available: Last accessed 26/11/14. i) Smallbusinessnotes. (n.d). Promotion Plan. Available: Last accessed 26/11/14.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children - 1540 Words

Unit 6 Project: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children Trudy Root Kaplan University CM107-11 Children are negatively impacted by the surrounding of domestic violence in multiple ways, in which need to be identified. The audience that needs to be aware of domestic abuse’s effects on children is adults that care for children; such as pediatricians, teachers, counselors, and parents. The issue that needs to be addressed is the negative effects on children involved in a domestic violence situation. Many people can see how abuse can affect a child, however many of those people do nothing about it. What causes children to negatively be affected by the surroundings of domestic abuse? According to Long Term Effects of Domestic†¦show more content†¦There are other programs providing trauma treatment and social support to help the exposed children and their families. As for where to report an incident or a concern, the police office is a very good option. It is important that any incident that happens or any concern that approaches must be documented for future ref erence. A child’s safety is the most important aspect of this issue that is at hand. Children are negatively impacted by the surrounding of domestic violence in multiple ways, in which need to be identified. This is a continuing problem that still affects many children today. Hopefully, many professionals and parents are more aware of the signs and effects of abuse that children show, so they are able to take control of the situation. References Browne, Angela. When Battered Women Kill. (The Free Press 1987). Gewirtz, A. and Edleson, J. (2004). Young Children’s Exposure to Adult Domestic Violence: Toward a developmental risk and resilience framework for research and intervention. Retrieved from Stewart, S. (2012). Long-Term Effects of Domestic Violence. Office of the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney. Retrieved from The outline I used for this project was the discussion board dialog. This helped lay out a format of questions that needed to be addressed in this paper. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Domestic Violence on Children1529 Words   |  7 PagesProject: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children Trudy Root Kaplan University CM107-11 Children are negatively impacted by the surrounding of domestic violence in multiple ways, in which need to be identified. The audience that needs to be aware of domestic abuse’s effects on children is adults that care for children; such as pediatricians, teachers, counselors, and parents. The issue that needs to be addressed is the negative effects on children involved in a domestic violence situationRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children1387 Words   |  6 Pages Literature Review: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children By Taralyn Dean SW 8570 March 11, 2015 Introduction Today this paper will be exploring the affects of intimate partner domestic violence and how this impacts the children. The children of theses situations are the bystanders of these physical and emotional events. This paper will review in depth what other professionals are saying about the children of the domestic violence relationships and also the findings andRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children Essay1383 Words   |  6 PagesIn a similar study by Ybarra, Wilkens, Lieberman (2007) the goal was to determine if domestic violence leads to functioning shortfalls, and what its effects it has on a child’s behavioral and cognitive functioning. In homes where domestic violence happens, young children are more likely to witness violence than older children. It was hypothesized that children who witnessed violence at home had lower verbal capabilities, and would display greater internalizing and externalizing behaviors. ParticipantsRead MoreEffect of Domestic Violence on Children692 Words   |  3 PagesASSIGNMENT 1 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ID: S99003183; URIAM ROBATI ABSTRACT Domestic Violence has a great effect on children. Domestic violence also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse or child abuse is recognized as a pattern of abusive behavior by one or both partners especially those in marriage. This coercive behavior is used against another person to obtain power and control over the other party in a relationship. Domestic violence takes many forms such as physical violence which includesRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On Children1445 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is domestic Violence? Domestic Violence is described as violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. Many children end up being the victims to seeing domestic violence in the home which is very unhealthy to their development. Some children may development resentment toward both parents- one for not leaving and the other for causing the abuse. Depression, aggressive behavior, emotional distress and suicide depending on the severityRead MoreEffects of Domestic Violence on Children1124 Words   |  5 PagesThe biggest victims of domestic violence are the littlest. The home is a suppose to be a safe and secure environment for children with loving parents and free from violence. Children need a secure environment where they can come home to when the outside world is unsafe. However, every year there are millions of children who’s homes are not a safe haven. Millions of children are exposed to a parent being violently assaulted. Domestic violence is a prevalent social issue in America today. First, whoRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children And Children1541 Words   |  7 Pageslife. Domestic abused affect women and children. Lots of women are more at risk in their own home. Spouse abuses happen when one person in the marriage chooses to control the other party by using fair intimidation physical, emotional abuse. Domestic violence displaced many families because they are trying to get away from their abuser. Abuse can range from physical, mentally, emotional or psychological. One of every 5 woman are said to have experience an abuse from their partner. The effect of DomesticRead MoreEffects of Domestic Violence on Children908 Words   |  4 PagesEffects of Domestic Violence on Children by Mary Pelham English 1010-19 5 October 2011 Pelham i Outline I. Effects on younger children A. Feelings of deprivation Read MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children963 Words   |  4 PagesThe Effects of Domestic Violence on Children Many children witness domestic violence each day. Most times, children witness their mothers being abuse by their fathers, step-fathers, or mother’s boyfriends. According to Couchenour and Chrisman (2011), â€Å"Women and children are at greater risk of being victims of abuse than are men† (p. 131). Witnessing violence or being abused at home has serious effects on children. This article explains the short-term and long-term effects that domestic violence hasRead MoreEffects Of Domestic Violence On Children990 Words   |  4 Pagesexposed to domestic violence at an early age, that child adapts to these adverse circumstance and situations (Holmes, 2013). Therefore, children who are regularly exposed to domestic violence may initially display less aggressive behaviors than children who are never exposed. However, this is due to their fear of being a victim of a physical assault (Holmes, 2013). This finding was interesting because it shows how deeply the children are affe cted by exposure to domestic violence. The children become

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Four Year Long Civil War - 1418 Words

The result of the four-year long Civil War, was a nation in need of much repair. The split of the union dividing North and South was centered around their opposing views on slavery. These tensions placed black slaves in the middle as an object the was in a tug of war between the two sides. In the end, slavery was abolished and the rights of freed slaves were thus added to the Constitution in the fourteenth amendment that prohibited their exclusion from the unalienable rights of a United States citizen, nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (doc 13). Despite the new addition to this law, the†¦show more content†¦This except from a black soldier, James Gooding, in his protest against equal pay describe the nature of unfairness put upon blacks who risked their lives for the Union just as any other white soldier. Gooding asked in his argume nt that their service will be fairly appreciated by paying them as American Soldiers, not as menial hirelings (doc 5). Gooding said that they are American Soldiers and deserve the respect and equal pay and that it would be different if they were asking for a higher pay rate in a meaningless and skinless job, but this is one of great importance. Blacks were viewed as objects to automatically be at the Union s service when they are in need and not worthy of pay. Due to this inequality formed before and during the Civil War when the voting rights granted to freed slaves in the fifteenth amendment were protested by many in the South. The fifteenth amendment stating that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude (doc 13) was ignored by many who disagreed. In South Carolina they directly protested this law and fought for blacks to be excluded from gov ernment positions because they did not want